WINDOWSILL PIES at 78 Horne Road

Many many months ago, I had a sweet pie from Windowsill Pies’ temporary kiosk in a mall and I simply loved it. It was only later that I found out they had a very much talked about shop along Horne Road. It is in this vicinity that you will find some other interesting cafes likeContinue reading “WINDOWSILL PIES at 78 Horne Road”

STRANGERS’ REUNION Cafe at 37 Kampong Bahru Road

Updated: 30 May 2014 Strangers’ Reunion has expanded and moved to a bigger space (just beside the old unit). This is a much welcomed change considering the previous space was a little squeezy… cozy, but squeezy. I was very pleased with the expanded food menu plus the QUALITY of the food. We had the Eggs on ToastContinue reading “STRANGERS’ REUNION Cafe at 37 Kampong Bahru Road”